你敢信吗?最积极的内测人员,居然是个奶奶! 而发测试作品最多的,是个保安小哥! 啥?7岁的娃都抢着玩? …… 这项目,就是...这个东东——图个乐! 小卡图个乐……Everything is music,一切皆可乐! ——或...[详细]
5月有一个特别的日子——世界防治肥胖日 胖,毁的不仅是颜值 更是健康! 肥胖日的设立 就是想提醒我们 关注体重,就是关注健康! 别急!!! 在世界防治肥胖日来临之际 Fit....[详细]
Practical Exercise - Task 1 MFCCs Speech Technology - COM4511/6511 12th March 2021 1 Introduction The aim of this task is to learn how to use Python for speech processing. There are several online Py...[详细]
CS 138 - Sample Final Exam • The exam is 150 minutes long. • Please read all instructions carefully. • There are 4 questions on this exam, some with multiple parts. This exam will be graded out of...[详细]
INFO1113 / COMP9003 Assignment Due: 12 May 2024, 11:59PM AEST This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade. Task Description In this assignment, you will create a game in the Java programming lan...[详细]
1. Deadline: Tuesday 14th May 2024 (Feedback to be released on 4th June 2024) 2. Weighting: 50% 3. Overview Create a basic GUI card game using C++ with Qt and organise the game structure using OOP me...[详细]