> 科技


2024-04-17 09:59:27春游江淮|一个藏着李白浪漫旅行的城市-宣城

他是课本上最负盛名的大唐诗人,是融入中国人血脉中的诗意与浪漫,曾多次往返宣城,寓居宣城,写下“相看两不厌,只有敬亭山”“抽刀断水水更流,举杯销愁愁更愁”...... 写尽了他与宣城相遇、相知,今天,我们穿越千年...[详细]

2024-04-17 09:56:34春游江淮 请来池州 | 来青阳,轻煮时光慢煮茶

春天,是限定而短暂的春色、春味,都值得等待与收藏尤其是春茶,更是其中之最走进青阳,泡一杯茶饮一口鲜嫩的春天~ 黄石溪毛峰茶 青阳县陵阳镇黄石溪山区山势险峻,海拔较高雨量充沛,气候温润特殊的地理位置和良好的生态...[详细]

2024-04-17 09:50:39XC4020XL-1HT176C: Powering Next-Generation Digital Systems with Versatile FPGA Technology | ChipsX

The XC4020XL-1HT176C FPGA, a flagship product from Xilinx, stands as a testament to innovation and excellence in digital design solutions. With its advanced features and robust architecture, this FPGA...[详细]

2024-04-17 09:45:58ISL6146DFUZ: Empowering Electronic Systems with Advanced Power Management | ChipsX

The ISL6146DFUZ emerges as a pivotal component in the realm of electronic systems, embodying a blend of cutting-edge power management capabilities and advanced features. Manufactured by Intersil, a re...[详细]

2024-04-17 09:40:04XCS30XL-4VQG100C: Enabling Efficient and Reliable FPGA Solutions for Embedded Systems | ChipsX

The XCS30XL-4VQG100C FPGA, a flagship product from Xilinx, embodies a fusion of advanced features and robust design, offering unparalleled performance and versatility for embedded system applications....[详细]

2024-04-17 09:08:49代做Real-time 2-D Object Recognition

  AM Project 3: Real-time 2-D Object Recognition  1/6 Project 3: Real-time 2-D Object Recognition Due Feb 24 by 11:59pm Points 30 This project is about 2D object recognition. The goal is to have th...[详细]

2024-04-17 09:08:25海伯森发布中国首款紫色激光对刀仪HPS-LCA100 | 开启更高精度CNC刀具测量


2024-04-17 09:05:43代写Executor、代做Executor设计程序

Assignment 3: Executor Introduction Welcome to the Executor assignment. This assignment exercises your understanding of an evaluator implementation for WHERE clauses.  In the Database Management Sy...[详细]

2024-04-17 08:53:49CIT 594代做、代写Python设计编程

CIT 594 Solo Project An Exercise in Software Design Planning and design are key to successfully building complex software; these are the focus of this assignment. You will apply the design principles...[详细]

2024-04-17 08:48:36CS6238程序代写、代做Python程序设计

CS6238 Secure Computer Systems – Spring Project 4: Secure Shared Store (3S) IMPORTANT NOTE: We will not accept PyCrypto, Crypto, or Cryptodome libraries in project four. Use the cryptography library...[详细]

