> 科技


2025-01-03 23:42:45Floor Style Cardboard Display Stand for Supermarket

A floor style cardboard display stand is an efficient solution for organizing and showcasing small retail products in supermarkets and retail stores. These stands not only highlight featured items but...[详细]

2025-01-03 23:37:13Custom Retail Toys and Phone Case Store Display Racks

In the competitive world of retail, eye-catching displays are crucial for attracting customers and driving sales. Custom retail toys and phone case store paper display racks are an effective solution...[详细]

2025-01-03 22:37:10Custom Design Logo Countertop Display for Snacks and Chocolate Bars

The custom design logo countertop display boxes are the perfect solution for showcasing snacks, chocolate bars, and other small packaged goods in retail environments. Designed for counters and checkou...[详细]

2025-01-03 11:25:56携手共创数据存储新纪元 西部数据亮相2024微星龙盾局成都站

原文:新潮电子 eFashion   蓉城冬日,暖光融融,一场汇聚科技先锋与硬核玩家的盛会——2024微星龙盾局技术沙龙暨新品分享会,于2024年12月29日燃情开场。西部数据携旗下闪迪和WD_BLACK品牌重磅亮相,一场关乎存储...[详细]

2025-01-03 11:08:52洛微科技获北京电控产投战略投资,开启发展新篇章

在科技领域蓬勃发展的 2025 年伊始,洛微科技(LuminWave)正式宣布获得北京电控光电融合基金战略投资,并完成B1轮融资首关,成为本年度激光雷达行业以及光电融合产业领域的开篇力作,犹如一颗闪耀的启明星,照亮了洛...[详细]

2025-01-02 18:24:09ChipsX: A Global Leader in Electronic Components Distribution and Supply Chain Management

ChipsX is a global leader in electronic components distribution, providing millions of products from trusted manufacturers around the world. With extensive experience in the industry, ChipsX serves va...[详细]

2025-01-02 18:19:26ChipsX: Leading the Way in Electronic Components Distribution with Global Reach

ChipsX stands at the forefront of the electronic components distribution industry, offering an extensive range of products sourced from thousands of trusted manufacturers across the globe. With years ...[详细]

2025-01-02 18:01:52XC5VLX110T-2FFV1136C - High-Performance Virtex-5 FPGA from Xilinx Available at ChipsX

The XC5VLX110T-2FFV1136C is a cutting-edge Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) from Xilinx's Virtex-5 family. Designed for high-performance computing and advanced communication applications, this FPG...[详细]

2025-01-02 17:43:59速度提升200%、打印空间增72%!纵维立方Photon Mono M7 Max光固化3D打印机引领“大、快、稳、准”新时代


2025-01-02 15:53:49魔方网表,管理软件开发个体户的赚钱神器

作为一名管理软件开发者,你是否想着通过副业搞钱,增加收入,却求门无路? 如今,整体经济下行,市场环境持续处于低迷的状态,在这场冷峻的经济寒冬中,各行各业都在积极寻求着新的生机。其中,数字化成为了众多企...[详细]


Carbon Fiber Sheets 5mm X 5mm for Aerospace Manufacturing


代写CS 6476、代做Python/Java程序

