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2024-04-11 09:19:46理大五学科于QS 2024年度世界大学学科排名首20位 四学科位列全港第一

香港 - Media OutReach Newswire - 2024年 4 月 10日 - 香港理工大学(理大)在Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) 2024年度世界大学学科排名再创佳绩,其中五个学科跻身全球首20位,并有四个学科位列全港第一,多个工程与...[详细]

2024-04-11 09:14:59CITE2024首日,造物数科InZ应龙启幕,展示电子电路智慧云工厂新范式

      4月9日,由深圳市工业和信息化局、深圳市人民政府共同主办的主题为“追求卓越 数创未来”第十二届中国电子信息博览会(CITE2024)在深圳会展中心开幕,金百泽科技旗下造物数科亮相1号馆1D103展位,为现场超...[详细]

2024-04-11 08:47:35打造健康人文事业发展新模式 勇当殡葬改革排头兵

平果市人文纪念公园。 青龙岗人文纪念公园。 便民服务车接送腿脚不便的祭扫人群。 天地清明,人间有情。一年一度的清明节到来,郁郁葱葱的南宁市青龙岗长安墓园人流渐多,园内特别设置“鞭炮换鲜花”区域,...[详细]

2024-04-10 22:04:18暖声情歌王品冠讲粤语好犀利 下月广州开唱歌迷表示有事相求


2024-04-10 21:59:15书香顶流红盘炼成记!您有一份雲墨价值密码待接收!

摘要: 百年招商 高新CID豪宅首排 书香学府住品 去年,住建部部长在回顾总结2023年工作,部署2024年重点任务的会议上有一段质朴却深刻的发言。 他说,房地产已经从“有没有”转入“好不好”的...[详细]

2024-04-10 20:54:19Steve Jurvetson, a Renowned Silicon Valley Investor, Joins TMC’s Board of Directors as Vice Chairman

Mr. Jurvetson is a legendary investor focused on founder-led, mission-driven companies at the cutting edge of disruptive technology and new industry formation. His investments include pioneering t...[详细]

2024-04-10 20:51:20AIM ImmunoTech Announces Positive Top-Line, Protocol-Planned Interim Report Data from the Study of A

Robert Edwards, MD, Chair of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences and Co-Director of Gynecologic Oncology Research at Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC Robert Edwards, MD,...[详细]

2024-04-10 20:49:36Builder.ai Automates Path from User Story Direct to Working Code

App Customisation is Streamlined by Natasha and AI-Powered Code Generation LONDON, April 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Builder.ai, the AI-powered composable software platform enabling every business...[详细]

2024-04-10 20:47:43BPM Partners and BARC Join Forces to Deliver First of Its Kind Global CPM Priorities and Trends Rese

Report Will Combine Data from the 2024 BPM Pulse and The Planning Survey 24 STAMFORD, Conn. and WÜRZBURG, Germany, April 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --BPM Partners, the leading independent autho...[详细]

2024-04-10 20:45:32Wistar Scientists Identify Pro-aging ‘Sugar Signature’ in the Blood of People Living with HIV

The Abdel-Mohsen lab findings shed light on how sugar molecules in the blood of people living with HIV may accelerate biological aging PHILADELPHIA, PA, April 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --The Wistar...[详细]

