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2024-09-17 07:57:32Leil Storage Unveils ICE: Melting Energy Costs, Unfreezing Performance Limits

TALLINN, Estonia, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Leil Storage introduces its Infinite Cold Engine (ICE) feature to address the significant energy inefficiencies in traditional storage systems. Thes...[详细]

2024-09-17 07:56:10Capsa Healthcare's New Interactive Website Assists Healthcare Leaders in Technology Decision Ma

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Capsa Healthcare, a pioneer in health IT, medication management, and pharmacy automation, today announced the launch of a new interactive website des...[详细]

2024-09-17 07:56:10Capsa Healthcare's New Interactive Website Assists Healthcare Leaders in Technology Decision Ma

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Capsa Healthcare, a pioneer in health IT, medication management, and pharmacy automation, today announced the launch of a new interactive website des...[详细]

2024-09-16 22:34:08【活动回顾】中秋月色,古韵诗情,珠江帝景苑共迎中秋佳节

花好月圆,华灯初上,欢聚一堂,同赏一轮明月 中秋,是中华民族的传统节日,承载着人们对团圆和美好生活的期盼向往。   佳节如约而至,为弘扬中华优秀传统文化,营造浓郁节日气氛,2024年9月14日晚,由海珠区慈善会、赤岗...[详细]

2024-09-16 21:10:22《流水迢迢》开播 张雅钦“美女刺客”惊艳登场


2024-09-16 19:22:08众望所归处,闲庭信步时 | 富春里景观示范区倾城绽放,实景共鉴

每一个用心的作品,都被烙上时间的刻度;所谓的传世经典,在历经匠心打磨后终将绽放出的夺目光彩。 众望所归处,闲庭信步时。9月14日,富春里实景示范区终于揭开了神秘面纱,所有关于美好的想象,都在此刻变为现实。 项目...[详细]

2024-09-16 19:08:482024“西港杯”中国尾波冲浪公开赛(秦皇岛站) 在秦皇岛国际旅游港鸣笛开赛

      2024“西港杯”中国尾波冲浪公开赛(秦皇岛站)于9月15日在秦皇岛国际旅游港正式开赛。来自北京等全国各地的70余名冲浪、划水运动员和爱好者将在为期两天的赛程里展开激烈角逐。 (图为2024“西港杯”中国尾...[详细]

2024-09-16 18:19:21Boehringer's nerandomilast meets primary endpoint in pivotal phase-III FIBRONEER™-IPF study

Topline data from FIBRONEER™-IPF show that the investigational compound nerandomilast met its primary endpoint, which was the absolute change from baseline in Forced Vital Capacity [mL] at week 52 ...[详细]

2024-09-16 18:19:21Boehringer's nerandomilast meets primary endpoint in pivotal phase-III FIBRONEER™-IPF study

Topline data from FIBRONEER™-IPF show that the investigational compound nerandomilast met its primary endpoint, which was the absolute change from baseline in Forced Vital Capacity [mL] at week 52 ...[详细]

2024-09-16 17:07:37电视剧《流水迢迢》开播 陈依莎一人千面展现小角色光芒

由任嘉伦 、李兰迪、 徐正溪领衔主演,高寒、张雅钦、赵华为、陈依莎主演的武侠古装爱情传奇剧《流水迢迢》已于近期开播。 该剧根据箫楼的同名小说《流水迢迢》改编,讲述了月落城少城主萧无瑕化名为卫昭潜伏梁国...[详细]



