> 资讯


2024-05-22 19:34:52Cavli Wireless all set to introduce the Cellular IoT CQS29X Smart Module Series and the CQM220 5G Re

The Cavli CQS29X Smart Module Series, engineered with a quad-core ARM SoC, delivers unmatched performance and seamless global connectivity SAN JOSE, Calif., May 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cavli ...[详细]

2024-05-22 19:24:17Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners inaugurates the Changfang-Xidao offshore wind farms in Taiwan

The Changfang-Xidao project is Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners’ (CIP) first offshore wind farms in Asia Pacific. TAIPEI, Taiwan and COPENHAGEN, Denmark, May 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- At a ce...[详细]

2024-05-22 19:15:32MetaHomes Celebrates Art and Innovation with World-Renowned Light Painting Artist, Roy Wang

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, May 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On May 18, 2024, MetaHomes was honored to participate in the "Chinese Dragon" large-scale light painting creation event, hosted by wor...[详细]

2024-05-22 19:05:39Sandoz receives European Commission approval for Wyost® and Jubbonti®, the first and only biosimilar

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to art. 53 SIX Swiss Exchange Listing Rules MEDIA RELEASE         Wyost® (denosumab) and Jubbonti® (denosumab) approved by EC for all indications of denosumab reference me...[详细]

2024-05-22 18:41:06西安市碑林区网约车行业首次集体协商成功举办

伟大复 牢使 碑林区网约车行业首次集体协商会议 2024年5月22日上午,在西安市碑林区盛安广场举办了西安市碑林区网约 车行业首次集体协商,这也是网约车西北地区首次网约车行业的集体协商。与会 代表人员有司机方...[详细]

2024-05-22 18:33:09Oaktree Assumes Ownership of Inter Milan

MILAN -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- As of 22 May 2024, funds managed by Oaktree Capital Management, L.P. (“Oaktree”) have assumed ownership of FC Internazionale Milano (“Inter Milan” or the “Club”). T...[详细]

2024-05-22 18:32:14Medscape Education and KDIGO Nephrology Collaboration Accelerates Improvements to Patient Care

LONDON -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Ahead of the 61st European Renal Association (ERA) Congress, Medscape Education and KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes) announce an educational collaborati...[详细]

2024-05-22 18:22:14以沙棘为原料的复方沙棘食品三翁智膳牌坚果沙棘糕 在齐越慧谷问世

沙棘,一种被人类遗忘又重视的古老的神奇植物,其果实最终被拉入了药食同源的大家庭,人们正沉浸在沙棘原浆给人们带来快乐的时候,一种复合配方的坚果沙棘糕在世界风筝都悄然诞生。       30多年前,中国三...[详细]

2024-05-22 18:11:00瞄准新质生产力,助力攀登全球创新药高地 全人源抗体开发平台——纽迈生物在苏盛大开业


2024-05-22 17:24:20股市“预言帝”自称大四学生

5月21日,走出“天地板”跌停的南京化纤再次涨停收盘,股吧上用户“神预言”事件持续受到市场关注。当日盘后,风口浪尖的南京化纤再发交易风险提示公告。 深夜,上交所发布通告称,已依规对相关账户采取暂停交易十五...[详细]





