> 资讯


2024-05-01 09:11:22Park Place Technologies Acquires Unitech's Third Party Maintenance Services

Deal forms one of Brazil's largest TPM providers. CLEVELAND, OH, April 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Park Place Technologies, a leading global provider of data center and networking optimization solu...[详细]

2024-05-01 08:23:24Two CIP projects successful in the first European Hydrogen Bank auction

Today, it was announced that two hydrogen projects owned by CI Energy Transition Fund I, managed by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, were successful in securing grants from the European Commission ...[详细]

2024-05-01 08:19:25New Peer-Reviewed Paper Validates General Fusion Code Accelerating Commercial Power Plant Design

RICHMOND, British Columbia, April 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - General Fusion is advancing the design of its Magnetized Target Fusion (MTF) commercial power plant with proprietary simulation code now v...[详细]

2024-05-01 08:08:58One Za'abeel 推出了在 One Za'abeel Tower 内的双重许可办公空间 - The Offices

迪拜,阿联酋, April 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - ICD(迪拜投资公司)开发的标志性综合开发建筑群之一——One Za’abeel,欣然宣布推出其在 One Za’abeel Tower 内的超豪华双重许可企业办公空间——The Offices。...[详细]

2024-05-01 08:08:58One Za'abeel 推出了在 One Za'abeel Tower 内的双重许可办公空间 - The Offices

迪拜,阿联酋, April 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - ICD(迪拜投资公司)开发的标志性综合开发建筑群之一——One Za’abeel,欣然宣布推出其在 One Za’abeel Tower 内的超豪华双重许可企业办公空间——The Offices。...[详细]

2024-05-01 08:05:37Nicklaus Children’s Health System, Philips to provide innovative patient and staff experience, helpi

April 30, 2024 Philips AI-enabled diagnostic and experiential technologies help put patients at ease while empowering staff with faster, high-quality scans and increased diagnostic confidence Amst...[详细]

2024-04-30 23:29:47由仲景微综《六六72》探讨为何六味地黄丸适合当下年轻人消费需求

人吃五谷,天有寒暑,生病是自然不过的事。 但不知道从哪时起,肾虚这个病症对很多人来说,似乎变得越来越难以接受和启齿,好像有肾虚症状是件丢人的事。 医生:你有点肾虚啊 病人:怎么可能,我可是有志青年 甲...[详细]

2024-04-30 23:26:35春游江淮丨我做攻略,你来玩,五一悠然自得·休闲康养之旅

五一哪里去?宁国约你来~这里有一份宁国“康养名单”,假期大家可以挑选心怡的一处,开启休闲康养之旅,感受宁国的自然生态之美~ 康养地推荐 夏霖九天银瀑景区、华东大裂谷、恩龙世界木屋村、西村景区、真也天境、储家...[详细]

2024-04-30 23:26:03春游江淮 请来池州 |乡村有古建之千年古镇之旅

池州四条乡村旅游线路,新鲜出炉,今天发布乡村旅游第二条路线 走,跟着咱们文旅的步伐去看看吧! 线路名称:千年古镇之旅 一:线路简介 青阳县陵阳镇,是一个有两千多年历史的文化名镇,太平山房是最具特色的古建筑之...[详细]

2024-04-30 23:23:08春游江淮 | “泾”彩“五一”等你来,准备好与“泾美”风光合拍啦

五一出行攻略 “五一”假期来泾,想好去哪里“凹造型”没?请稍微控制一下,你翘起的嘴角和怦怦直跳的小心脏,让我们一起先看完这篇“泾美”风光旅游地推荐,了解泾县最出片的打卡地。 做好攻略,怎么拍都好看~ 桃花潭风...[详细]


Duck Creek Technologies推出Policy with Active Delivery



