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2024-11-12 18:17:33远程超级VAN自研智能驾驶车型亮相2024世界物联网博览会


2024-11-12 18:15:59Boehringer Ingelheim and the Mary Tyler Moore Vision Initiative join forces to combat vision loss fr

·More than 530 million people worldwide living with diabetes are at risk for developing diabetic retinal disease (DRD), the leading cause of blindness in working-age adults. 1 ·DRD is a growing ep...[详细]

2024-11-12 18:15:54提示系统检测部风控注单未同步数据未回传更新不给提咋办

首先,我们需要冷静分析,找出问题的根源。一旦这一环节出现纰漏,便可能导致资金提现受阻。因此,我们需要与平台方保持密切沟通,了解具体的风控策略与数据处理流程,以便更好地定位问题所在。 其次,我们可以尝试多渠道...[详细]

2024-11-12 17:57:03进博向“新” 制造未来

连续举办了7届的中国国际进口博览会在持续迭代更新。 今年是米其林第四次与进博会携手,它们之间又有了新故事。46%、53%、63%……从2021年到2023年,米其林在进博会展示的轮胎,可持续材料占比一届比一届高。今年,...[详细]

2024-11-12 17:38:13造物数科数智成果亮相2024电子半导体产业创新发展大会

      2024年11月6日,2024电子半导体产业创新发展大会暨国际电子电路(大湾区)展览会(CPCA Show Plus 2024)在深圳国际会展中心(宝安新馆)成功启幕。此次活动由中国电子电路行业协会主办,吸引了全球80,000余...[详细]

2024-11-12 17:21:35昆明华厦眼科医院入选中国近视防控能力建设联盟(CAMP)成员级单位

10月27日,由国家眼部疾病临床医学研究中心主办、昆明医科大学第一附属医院承办的“中国近视防控能力建设联盟(CAMP)”评审交流会云南站在昆明顺利召开。 会议聚焦儿童青少年近视防、控、诊治的热点及难点问题,众...[详细]

2024-11-12 17:19:19九识智能完成1亿美元B1轮融资

近日,九识智能完成1亿美元B1轮融资,本轮融资由鼎晖百孚、蓝湖资本共同领投,其他老股东跟投,本轮融资是近一年来自动驾驶领域完成的最大金额融资之一。 作为全球城配自动驾驶产品研发和应用领军企业,九识智能拥有...[详细]

2024-11-12 17:14:17Corona Cero’s Relaxation Clause Brings a Fresh Perspective to Athlete Partnerships

Relaxation is now a key deliverable in Corona’s relationship with athletes including Gabriel Medina, Evie Richards, Tatiana Weston Webb, Marco Grimalt, Tatjana Smith and Mariana Pajón LONDON -- (B...[详细]

2024-11-12 17:13:40Bureau Veritas Continues to Build Capabilities in the Energy and Renewables Sector Through the Acqui

Bureau Veritas, a global leader in Testing, Inspection, and Certification services, today announced the acquisition of Versatec Energy B.V., an independent and specialized technical advisory company for the offshore and onshore energy industry. This acqui[详细]

2024-11-12 17:12:54Pimicotinib Significantly Improved Outcomes for Patients with Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor in a Glo

Merck, a leading science and technology company, today announced that the Phase III MANEUVER trial of pimicotinib, an investigational medicine being developed by Abbisko Therapeutics Co., Ltd., met its primary endpoint, demonstrating significant improveme[详细]




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