> 资讯


2024-12-11 13:29:14CGTN: Tide rising: A new height in Macao's economic diversification

CGTN publishes an article on how Macao promotes economic diversification in the past 25 years BEIJING, Dec. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hui Ho-Kit, an undergraduate who just finished his studies in ...[详细]

2024-12-11 13:27:55Duck Creek Technologies 在北美、欧洲、中东和非洲以及亚太地区进行战略任命,以加强全球销售领导力

新聘高管强化了公司提升客户体验、推动全球增长以及引领 2025 年及以后保险业变革运动的承诺 波士顿, Dec. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Duck Creek Technologies 是一家全球智能解决方案提供商,定义了财产与意外...[详细]

2024-12-11 13:22:27WeightWatchers Unveils Next-Gen Program With AI-Powered App Features

With access to Registered Dietitians, 150+ New ZeroPoint® Foods and smarter tracking features, the new program delivers a cutting-edge, flexible approach to holistic weight management NEW YORK, Dec....[详细]

2024-12-11 13:05:45全国货运,总量第一——运满满APP荣获2024品博会“最具影响力品牌”


2024-12-11 13:04:01Mavenir and Terrestar Achieve NB-IoT Non-Terrestrial Networks Milestone with First Live Data Session

Terrestar, with the assistance of Mavenir, has also established a state-of-the-art laboratory dedicated to standard-based satellite communication testing and integration in Montreal. RICHARDSON, Texa...[详细]

2024-12-11 12:49:14越捷航空机队再添新翼 助力旅游旺季畅享云端之旅

(北京,2024年12月11日)越捷航空机队迎来了一位备受瞩目的新成员——一架空客A321neo ACF(Airbus Cabin Flex,意为空客灵活客舱),自德国汉堡空客工厂荣耀启程,顺利抵达越南胡志明市新山一国际机场。这标志着越...[详细]

2024-12-11 12:45:27FRESCA™ Mixed Helps Fans Keep Drinks Cool and Hands Warm with Après Ski’s Hottest New Accessory—the

The ready-to-drink cocktail brand is giving fans 21 and older the chance to win a limited-edition FRESCA Mixed Muff – a reinvention of the iconic winter accessory designed to keep hands warm (and sty...[详细]

2024-12-11 12:29:50Duck Creek Technologies Strengthens Global Sales Leadership with Strategic Appointments in North Ame

New executive hires reinforce the company's commitment to elevating the customer experience, driving growth on a global scale, and leading a movement to transform the insurance industry in 2025 and be...[详细]

2024-12-11 12:29:27Sidus Heroes:构建太空主题的元宇宙世界,重塑 Web3 游戏的未来

作为 Web3 游戏领域的先行者,Sidus Heroes 以其创新的太空主题元宇宙和独特的经济生态,正在重塑玩家对沉浸式游戏体验的认知。凭借史诗级的背景故事、可交易代币和丰富的资源生态,Sidus Heroes 为玩家提供了跨越星...[详细]

2024-12-11 12:17:33羽见老友,相约绿城!2024南宁·李永波羽毛球公开赛即将开赛!

羽见老友,相约绿城!2024南宁·李永波羽毛球公开赛即将开赛! 2024南宁·李永波羽毛球公开赛将于12月14日-15日在广西体育中心综合训练馆隆重举行。本届赛事由南宁市人民政府主办,南宁市体育局、南宁市体育总会,南...[详细]


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